Khaaranus Prod. (Grindcore – Label – Czech Rep.)


Hail dude, when you answer my questions are you listening to whom now?
Salut man! At the moment no music, just listening to Horem Pádem movie while I am reading/answering your questions 🙂

How did you start this job? what were your aims when you start?
Oh, it was in late 90´s… In the fact I didnt plan to open any distro or label… it arised itself when I was trading with free copies of CDs and tapes which we got from Leviathan recors who released first CD of my band Cerebral Turbulency called “as gravy”. I traded with running distros/labels at that time as Obscene, Shindy, Epidemie, Morbid, Bones Brigade etc… And what to do with that traded stuffs??? I tried sell some to my friends around, later on our gigsand so on… In the end I gather some money from this selling and I decided to release second album of CT myself and it was regular start of Khaaranus.

Khaaranus Prod. is a very underground company. Do you select the bands according to what?
To be honest, I stopped releasing CD in 2010 (last release was Rubufaso Mukuo album “ReMoLAB”), since that year I run Khaaranus only as distro. But this year some things made up around and I made deal with my friends G.O.R.E about exception in non-releasing CD and I made their new album just for enjoying and to have some nice activity in grind/metal scene ater few years again 🙂


What are the plans beloning to future? Make your advertisement
I think, I will keep Khaaranus only as distribution like in last 3 years… It is enough space to be in touch with the world.

What do you think about Poland Underground Metal scene? Which ones are your favorites?
Definitively Squash Bowels and Parricide. Don´t know if Dead Infection is dead or alive…. and PL death metal bands I check only as passive fan… time to time I hear some when some my friend will recomend me and that all.

Yes, my brother, here is an opportunity for you, what will you say about Rip-off?
He, he, I got few such experiences in deep past as many other labels/distros but it is so far in time that I only laught it with nostalgic memories now only 🙂 At the present there are not so many most active labels/distros as years ago and there are long years well co-operating friendly relationships among those who survived, so I see it working well and fair generally.

There are bands saying that “We are short of money but we play quality music” and in spite of recording a very had demo they say that group should he supported. If the groups record is bad but its music is quality, should it be supported? Or should the band try to find better conditions?
It is very easy, if the unknown band is on high-quality musically – then they really must try to make as best record as possible otherwise they can bury themselves on the start. You know, today´s world better said people, fans are in touch with so much music in all genres via interent that they dont care for such “half quality” stuffs…. Current fans are looking for the highest quakities in this or that genre. I see it like that, maybe I am wrong.


People download mp3 of music bands from internet without giving money in the place of buying album anymore. What do you think about that topic as a person
having a Rec.?
I dont care since long years ago when it all went down slowly with selling CDs…. I takje it as natural development in this branch. CD is just article for collectors only, so who want buy it – that will buy it. We have to take it as pure fact. Golden times are over 😀 Whole musical world is more concentrated to make attractive and cool live shows and make / get money on various kinds of merchandise.

What materials must be in a good packet? Do you listen all promos which have sent you? What are your priorities in a promo packet (booklet, cover, cd-r, mark ect..)
I dont receive promo packets anymore… The bands who are looking for domething or wanna promote themselves are getting in touch via emails and sending links to listen their stuffs on-line.

How problems appear with bands you works? What are the conditions wanted mostly from you?
Fortunately no problem with any bands I have ever released out. You know, years ago the conditions for bands were really nice and later when the CD selling went lower and lower, the conditions were weaker of course, but the bands acceoted it as they saw what happend…

If you have an oppotunity do you want to work with which bands? And Why?
I already dont have such ambitions. I am an old man, it is for younger guys 😀

Imagine that you are in a boat with two people; You ,Barack Obama and Eminem and you are caught in a storm and your boat takes in water, for that reason you have to throw one person to the sea. Which person do you throw to the sea? And why?
I will hold piece of broken wood from the boat and will wait if I survive or not + tell those two sirs to do the same 😉


What do you say about Turkey and Turkish Underground? Hasve you ever been to Turkey?
Just in this second I remember bands: Cenotaph, Sakatat and UCK Grind. Surely I will remember more but not in this moment as I am really tired after long day and tomorrow traveling to Alps in Austria via some ferrats Yes, I visit Turkey in 2005 as we were touring over South/Eastern Europe with CT. Our friend Ferdi Arslan (Lion Ferdi) managed us 4 gigs there and it was simply great great great!!! whole the tour was just excellent and womderful. And Istanbul??? I have never seen larger and so huge city with all around till then and after then!!! Really mega power to me, I still see it in my memories as it would be just few days ago!!! So cheerz to Ferdi and all people who were connecetd to us in 2005!!!

It’s time to end up the interview but before I want to ask what would you want for written in your tombstone? I wish Khaaranus Prod. a successful future and have a abundantly prizes!
Well, I made this answers out quite fast so hope they are not too brief for you… Anyway, thanx for space in your zine and pleasent questions!!! And my tombstone??? Ufff, what to think out right-away??? 🙂 aha, I know: No life ´till Istanbul!!!” 😉
Thank you / good night!!! Cheerzzz!!! Michal

Khaaranus Prod. contact:

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